Experience the beauty of nature and farming.
Welcome to Patina Farm, located in Madison County, Mississippi. Our farm is a peaceful spot with beautiful natural views. Here, you can enjoy the simple joys of country life. We look after our farm animals well and aim to make everyone who visits feel like part of the community.
Meet Our Alpacas ????
Our farm is home to a vibrant ensemble of 15 alpacas, each with its own unique charm. Fun fact: Alpacas emit a soothing hum when content, creating a tranquil atmosphere across the farm.

Birds of the Farm ????
Above, you'll find over 70 Mallard ducks, hatched and raised right here on our farm. As our quail and turkey families grow, the sounds of their cheerful chirps and calls fill the air.
Our Chicken and Rabbit Haven ????
Our cozy haven is home to 12 different types of chickens, each special in its own way. From J-Lo to Venus and Serena Williams, our famous chickens lay eggs in all kinds of colors. They all love treat time. We also have 2 English Angora Rabbits named Precious and Pearl who share the space. These rabbits have quickly become popular favorites during our farm tours.

Meet Our Donkey Trio ????
Pistol Annie, Gemini and Farrah Fawcett are the dynamic trio that have an unbreakable bond. Their persistent nudging for attention touches everyone’s heart that dare give them a treat. The Donkeys have formed a true bond with Beth and through their renowned need for affection, provide daily therapy through their warm hugs.

The Playful Goats ????
Our playful goat crew includes 3 Nigerian Dwarfs, 2 Miniature Silky fainting goats, and 2 African Pygmy goats. They're always excited to interact with our visitors.

Animals Shaping Our Atmosphere
Our animals play a pivotal role in setting the tone of the farm. Their friendly greetings and soothing presence create a warm, welcoming environment, allowing visitors to embrace rural living's serenity.
Our selection of animals reflects our unwavering commitment to their welfare. Every choice, habitat, and ounce of care contributes to our close-knit Patina Farm family.
Schedule Your Visit
As you explore Patina Farm, you'll discover that it's not just a farm; it's a place where people and animals coexist harmoniously. Get ready to meet our charming residents and create lasting memories during your visit.